M3: Mobile Story

Are You Eating Plastic? We Think So!

Team 4 

  • Project lead-Michelle Riccio Musca
  • Script Writer-Taryn Duffy
  • Video/Audio/Producer-Jennifer Lewis & Melissa Hamlin
  • Editor-Matt Kalwara

Setup:  A mash up video/montage of people living their lives with plastic products.

Script:  Plastic products are used everywhere, more now than ever before in human history.  We use plastic in our homes, schools, offices, and everywhere in between.  Plastic products have permeated every corner of our lives, it hard to imagine a time without it.  Before 1940, our families and lived in a mostly plastic-free world.

They could have never imagined, what we know now – the terrible truth about environmental and health impacts generated from our dependency on plastic. One plastic item that is having such negative implications, that it has become the topic of much debate. In some like California, it has already been banned, and in other states there are fees associated with using this item. It is the…

Single Use Plastic Bag.

Did you know …

  • The US uses about 100 BILLION single use plastic bags EVERY YEAR, with the average person using between 350 and 500.
  • Nearly 90% of the debris in our oceans is plastic causing over 100,000 sea turtle and other marine animal deaths every year
  • Those marine animals that don’t die consume this plastic debris which are filled with toxics…
  • And if our food is filled with toxins…soon we will be too.

 You can help!

There are so many reusable bag options that are more durable and can be used many, many times. Like these organic cotton canvas grocery bags online at SimpleEcology.com.

If you really want to learn more about how to reduce your environmental footprint

WildMinimalist.com promotes living a “Zero Waste” life.

Visit wildminimalist.com to learn more.

It all starts with change:

So purchase a few reusable bags and take them with you when you shop.

Every time you do, you’ll be reducing the number of plastic bags in the world. Your planet and your grandchildren will thank you.